Monday, April 10, 2006


Class reunions

Well, at the risk of showing my advanced age, I'd like to report that the Mitchell (SD) High School class of 1986, of which I was a part, is having their class reunion this summer. Those who finished high school will know that this means it's my 20-year reunion.

I don't know if my experience is typical of yours, but I think of my high school years as generally some of the best of my life. I was fairly active in athletics, made decent grades without really trying, had a fair number of friends, had a few girlfriends and generally got through without a lot of drama. Despite this, I have had contact with exactly 1 classmate since the last reunion (10 years). I suppose it might have something to do with living in a different state now, and not having visited my hometown more than 3 times in 20 years. While I'd like to make it back for this, I have a lot going on this summer that I might not get there. And I don't feel that I'll have missed anything if I don't. We'll see what happens.

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