Monday, April 17, 2006


More Stupider

You know, English and grammar was never my thing in school, but for some reason, I'm Mr. Language Nazi in my later years. I have an unnatural desire to biotch-slap anyone I hear using incorrect grammar or stupid misspellings. You suppos"ably" graduated high school. Did you get nothing out of it?

My biggest pet peeve is hearing these blunders in the media. These people make a living communicating and they can't even figure it out. If I wrote the editor of the Ames Tribune every time I found a grammatical mistake, they'd rename that section "Letters from K".

Here's one from a radio ad I hear every day: "...the spray-in bed liner is far more superior to the competition..." Doofus. If you are comparing two things, one is superior to the other. I suppose adding "more" drives the message home, but it actually just makes you sound stupid.

My favorite is "... available in a myriad of colors...". Myriad means "many". The sentence should read "available in myriad colors". If you can't handle it, use "many" and quit trying to make yourself sound smart.

Really, people. This isn't rocket surgery.

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