Thursday, June 01, 2006

So, I'm reading the Letters to the Editor section of the Ames Tribune and this one catches my eye. Seems that some lady has it in for, of all things, circumcision. I'm faintly aware of the controversy surrounding this subject. To my knowledge, the practice was invented as a matter of hygiene although now some think it's unnecessary in that regard. Up until now, I thought that was the basic argument against it. It wasn't until reading this LTTE that I learned of a jihadic wing of the anti-circumcision movement. The author of the letter is the state coordinator for this organization. This is a small passage of her letter, but it give you an idea of the tone:

...One new mother, Anne Pyterek, commented, "It wasn't until I became the mother of a son that I thought of circumcision as the root of misogyny." Echoing this sentiment, Marilyn Milos, founder and national director of NOCIRC, states plainly, "Circumcision is where sex and violence meet for the first time."


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