Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Does this stuff really happen in Des Moines?

I was out Christmas shopping with my wife this past Friday when we were in the Apple store checking out the iPod accessories. Just to my right was a couple doing the same thing. The funny thing about this couple was that the woman was larger than the man. I don't mean fat "large". I mean "large" like a man. Turns out it was a man... in drag.

Friday, November 17, 2006

So, there was this horrific airplane crash in Indiana that killed the pilot and 4 employees of Two Rivers Marketing, a firm in Des Moines. It was one of the co-founders of the company and 3 associates. I was reading the story of how this company had grown from 10 to about 90 employees and how, after a fire destroyed their old office, they renovated an old warehouse to hold their headquarters. This reminded me that I had read an article in Iowa Architect about this very project not even a month prior to this event.

I went back to the library today and confirmed that it was the project I was thinking of. Here's the really strange part. Among the photos of the interior of the building, there is one showing one of the crash victims decending some steps from the upper level of the building. The photographer set the exposure such that anything in motion would appear as a ghost in the photo. Just a little creepy.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


The Morning After... Halloween

Well, another All Hallows Eve has come and gone. Here's a brief synopsis of the Kenton household festivities.

-Time spent searching a pumpkin patch for just the right punkin(s): zero hours.
-Number of Halloween decorations set out: 1 (maybe 2)
-Pounds of candy purchased to give out: 4
-Average temperature during Ames' trick-or-treat time: 39 degrees
-Number of kids who visited the house, trick-or-treating: 12-15 tops
-Pounds of candy left over: 2
-Number of my kids trick-or-treating: 1
-Pounds of candy collected by said kid: 5
-Weirdest treat collected by said kid: Chinese Duck Egg
-Huh?: You read correctly... an egg from a duck - "Product of China" - hard-boiled and vacuum-sealed.
-Pieces pieces of candy surrendered for "Dad Tax": none... yet.

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